
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Notting Hill?

These pictures remind me of the movie, Notting know the love story where Julia Roberts play a character that resembles her fabulous movie star self, and Hugh Grant play the dashing, bookstore owner...uh huh you know you've seen it. When the hubs had longer hair folks (myself included) would say that he looked like Hugh Grant in this very movie.  I need not worry though as most of them were the sweet church ladies. (occupational hazard)

And it were....these photos popped up on a very delightful blog...and they're oh so London. 

 This made me think of the bookstore that Hugh Grant owned in the movie.

 And while his living room wasn't quite so pink/purple,
 it had this same diverse style 
of mix and match that somehow all fit together.
When has that ever happened for anybody else? 
Hmm, it must be Hugh's "floppy" hair that helps him along! 

And this of his kitchen, the one where Spike ate the mayonnaise thinking it was yogurt. 

Alright, who's with me....trip to London anyone? 


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