
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

cards and imagination....

Spring time is practically here.  I'm starting to think about some possible projects for the upcoming months to freshen up our house. We finally took the tree down after Valentine's Day.  It sort of multi-holidayed through my birthday and then into February.  We only put it up on December 21st (or there about) so hey, I was catching up.

Handsome was ready for it to come down as it was blocking his clear view in the sun room of his kingdom (AKA, the front yard).

Handsome also apparently has a problem with what's going on in our guest room.  Which, by the way has turned into an impossible storage space.  The guest room is getting used this weekend, I have t-minus 2 days to get it worked out! In the meantime, Handsome refuses to go in. He just stands in the hallway and looks in.

 The butler's pantry hasn't ever been a source of clutter (for the most part) but in this case it is also having some difficulties. I took this photo last night while sitting in a rocking chair in the middle of the room.  That's probably not going to work out in there....Sheesh.

On another...completely unrelated note....I have new calling cards.

I ordered them from Zazzle   and am so excited with how they turned out. 
The paper thickness is great, the printing is very clear. 
They had great design options and I was able to include components I required. 

The front has my name and city (duh, obviously) and 
the back has all of my social media outlets. 
Twitter, blog, IG, phone number, and email.

I've had business cards before for lessons and what not...but I found that I never really used them. Even after all these years.  The times I found I needed them were really to disburse my phone number or email.  SO this time, I just went for a calling card instead of a business card. The information I included on the music business card wasn't as fun quite frankly and truth be told.... the design wasn't either. I digress.  I really like this one and I think it will fit the needs of the task.

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