
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Le Beach.

Just before school in-service week began on August 6, we popped down to the Emerald Coast for some time on the beach. This is our third year to go and we are thankful with every grain of our being that it's been possible. I swear, time on the beach is the BEST rest and relaxation there is!
Since this is our third time going, I wasn't as camera happy. I only took my phone down 1 afternoon. I had it in a zip lock bag, seemed like the thing to do.  Here are a few photos from the voyage.

 Somewhere between Mobile and Destin

 What a view!

 The Oceania has been our destination the past 4 summers. 
What a fabulous place to stay!

 My drink of choice...
Now in a small single serving, plastic bottle. 

 A view of the beach from inside a zip lock bag.
(My phone that is).

 We had a good hearty laugh.

The view from Marina Cafe. 

One of our "go-tos" for dinner.

After 7 full days on the beach, we returned to Memphis relaxed and ready to face the new school year. What a terrific way to end the summer.  Together, happy, healthy, and ready to go!

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