I've recently become obsessed with 9 by Design on Bravo. I realize that only 2 episodes have been on but I love the style of this show. Or should I say I like their style and the camera just happens to be there? Either way, way to go Bravo for selecting a "functional" family to film.
In light of watching the progression of Robert and Courtney's homes, I decided to put together a little progression of our homes. Here they are:
712 1/2 Mass St. Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Our first place together was on Massachusetts St. (known as Mass St. ) in downtown Lawrence, KS. Our windows were the 4 on the left side (there's actually 2 buildings there) on the 2nd floor. The curtains hanging in the window are the ones I left there when I moved out. I can't believe they are still there. When we lived there there was a culinary store below called "The Bay Leaf". They sold fancy coffee so our house always smelled delicious! We had a buzzer system, folks buzzed us to come up, it was very cool. I loved living there.
923 Tennessee St. Lawrence, Kansas 66044
This was our first house. We moved in here about 2 months before we got married. The house was built by KU architecture students as part of their final projects. There are 5 of these houses, it was super modern and we loved it. It was much different than our apartment downtown.
101 South Main #209 Memphis, TN 38103
When we moved to Memphis we decided to rent for a while to decide what part of town we wanted to live in. Whether we wanted a condo/town house/zero lot line/house with a yard, etc. We lived here for 18 months and it was divine. We had almost 2000sq. feet and were with all the amenities we desired. Our building is the shortest of the 3 and our 3 windows are on the 2nd floor. We looked right out over south main and when the trolley would go by, Handsome would hunker down and try to hide. He finally got over it about the time we moved.
And this is our house now... It's a lot of fun to decorate, to entertain in, and for sure to live in.
We have been here for 2 years and 3 months.
...and then there is Geoff's home away from home. This is Bales Organ Recital Hall, part of The Lied Center at The University of Kansas. It's beautiful. No house will ever be as sweet!
I'm so jealous you got to live on Mass Street! How cool is that?!